Independent Publishing - Articles Archive
from December 19, 2007 to November 15, 2007

Social media marketing online is the new critical factor to deal with when wanting to increase traffic, visibility, and even more your overall authority and reputation on the Web. SEO expert Massimo Burgio, explains in simple, easy to understand language some of the key aspects of ... read more

Robin Good - December 19, 2007

I love Robert Scoble mostly because he is a very positive, optimistic and friendly person, and one who has long chosen to openly share his insight, discoveries and best lessons learned. That makes him a valuable new media exploration pal, and I am only in debt ... read more

Robin Good - December 15, 2007

If real time reporting on the Internet, via a blog or news site is what interests you, a new live reporting publishing platform makes the live blogging dream a reality. Thanks to CoverItLive it is finally possible to do live blogging in the most literal sense ... read more

Robin Good - December 13, 2007

What's better: link to old posts or write more of the new ones? Update the old and good posts or write altogether new ones? How about linking to little known people and resources: is that good or bad blogging? Joshua Porter, a highly respected user experience ... read more

Joshua Porter - Bokardo - December 12, 2007

In January of this year while attending the first Romecamp I was approached by a tall gentleman. He showed me a bunch of fancy looking issues of a new magazine called 7thfloor. As I later discovered, 7thfloor is a beautifully designed print magazine distributed free to ... read more

Robin Good - December 7, 2007

OpenSocial is a set of common APIs for building social applications across many websites which in the end makes it very easy for a large number of individuals to start developing their own social web applications. Three characterizing traits make OpenSocial such a very compelling proposition for ... read more

Google Editors - Google Code - December 6, 2007

Creating web applications that work, are well accepted, provide a useful service and spread like a wildfire are not easy to create. It takes a recipe of planning, technology creativeness, social ingredients and practical down-to-the-ground usefulness to make any social application stick. Joshua Porter of Bokardo, has ... read more

Joshua Porter - Bokardo - December 5, 2007

If you have heard about Google Smart Pricing and are wondering what it is and how it may effect your Google AdSense earnings, here you may find some useful information and references. Until now Google Smart Pricing has been a kind of well-kept secret as very few ... read more

Robin Good - December 4, 2007

There's No Money In The Long Tail of the Blogosphere is the title of a recent post written by Alex Iskold on Read/Write Web, one of the most authoritative new media and independent online publishing news sources out there. But is it really so? While the ... read more

Robin Good - December 2, 2007

A great new short video tutorial from the CommonCraft Show introduces "blogs", as well as their characterizing traits and unique online publishing advantages to non-technical people. You've almost certainly heard the word "blog" before and you might have a rough idea of what a blog is, ... read more

Lee and Sachi Lefever - Common Craft Show - December 1, 2007

What's better? Writing short summary posts with the essence of the info you want your readers to get or long, in-depth articles and reviews like the ones I often feature here on Master New Media? I am sure I am not the only independent online publisher asking ... read more

Jakob Nielsen - Useit - November 30, 2007

Writing great titles for your own articles and blog posts is the second most important thing you need to do to get greater visibility and exposure on major search engines. Notwithstanding tons of articles on the topic and the supposed ease with which great titles could ... read more

Robin Good - November 28, 2007

Cross-media publishing is the ability to publish content across multiple media like the Web, printed books, video, slide shows and more. A new web-based platform provides all you need to assemble fancy multimedia slide shows with audio and music while providing you with all the facilities ... read more

Michael Pick - November 26, 2007

New site owners and bloggers frequently make a common mistake: naming their site with their own name. While this approach may give your ego a good boost, it really doesn't help anyone find your content more easily via search engines nor it helps readers understand your ... read more

Robin Good - November 24, 2007

Why should I make a video RSS feed? What makes open video so much better? Isn't enough to publish my video online and allow people to watch it from my blog or directly from Youtube? If you are curious to learn more about the key advantages that ... read more

Nicholas Reville - Miro - November 23, 2007
The e-book revolution is about to take off? The launch of the Amazon Kindle has left many wondering whether the newest ebook reading device introduced by Amazon is a major misjudged flop or if it really represents one more convincing piece in the making of the ... read more

Antonio Tombolini - Simplicissimus - November 22, 2007

Every single SEO expert will tell you that the next important thing to rank high inside major search engines is to get good incoming links from other sites. But how do you go about getting good links from other sites in ways that are effective and ... read more

Robin Good - November 21, 2007

This is a guide explaining what RSS is and how to best use it. It is targeted at the non-technical user who has not had yet the opportunity to fully understand what RSS is all about and how to best put it to use. RSS is a ... read more

Michael Pick - November 20, 2007

The new small piece of online marketing advice that I am adding today to the large SEO-SEM puzzle, focuses on the importance of selecting and maintaining a very clear site and content focus - theme. As the web moves forward, the ability to stand out and ... read more

Robin Good - November 16, 2007

Naming your site appropriately, titling your posts in effective ways, using keywords to help search engines understand your content focus are all key ingredients to get people to find your site on the web. That's why if you want to get visitors and good traffic to ... read more

Robin Good - November 15, 2007

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