Independent Publishing - Articles Archive
from August 6, 2008 to April 18, 2008

What differentiates a professional online article from just another blog post? Nothing? Both are published contents that just utilize a different writing style. If that is your answer, let me challenge and show you how many differences there can be between a "typical" blog post and ... read more

Robin Good - August 6, 2008

Web traffic is down as the northern hemisphere reaches the central part of the summer, with many people on holidays and Olympic distractions coming from all directions. According to Alexa's data, many web sites and blogs directly competing in one way or another for the same ... read more

Massimiliano Badolati - August 5, 2008

How much time does it take for your new blog to become a source of new business and revenues from the time you launch it? What are the key benefits you will get if you start dedicating yourself to professional online publishing? What are the critical ... read more

Nicolo' Canali De Rossi - July 30, 2008

If you are ready to start designing the "look" of your first web site or blog here are my specific recommendations on how to move in this direction. What I am going to tell you is not a collection of tips collected here and there and ... read more

Robin Good - July 29, 2008

The Future of Media Report 2008, released less than 10 days ago at the Future of Media Summit, is a conceptual framework that enables those interested in the future of media to see with greater clarity the changes, trends and transformations that are revolutionizing the media ... read more

Ross Dawson - Ross Dawson - July 24, 2008

What are media going to be like in the years ahead? What are the key changes that will transform them? Which the key driving forces will be behind such changes? To these questions, the work of Ross Dawson and of the Future of Media Summit are ... read more

Ross Dawson - Ross Dawson Blog - July 17, 2008

The online advertising market price index for July 2008, which is being released today by Pubmatic, shows that while online pricing has not dropped significantly, it is definitely not as high as it was a few months ago. Just like the present US economy, the online ... read more

Pubmatic - Pubmatic - July 15, 2008

Ross Dawson's yearly Future of Media Summit event is fast approaching (two locations: Silicon Valley and Sidney, Australia), and as in the past, it is being anticipated by the release of a few articles and a key report that set the stage and vision for our ... read more

Ross Dawson - Ross Dawson Blog - July 10, 2008

Here the web traffic stats, page views and audience demographics of Master New Media (all editions) as collected during the month of June. Google has significantly decreased the amount of traffic that it is sending to Master New Media in the last two weeks. This has ... read more

Massimiliano Badolati - July 3, 2008

If you want to create a slick, highly visual, interactive magazine to publish and distribute online, Calameo, has recently launched a web-based service that allows one-click conversion of all most popular document formats into highly customizable and very attractive full-screen flip-page magazines. So, whether you have a ... read more

Robin Good - June 24, 2008

Social media strategies for the web, scanning information, learning via dialogue and participation, how micropublishers manage their information and publishing workflow are just some of the interesting topics that are included in this juicy weekly digest. But there is more: social network usage, learning 2.0, overcoming ... read more

George Siemens - eLearnSpace - June 21, 2008

PubMatic the world’s first service to automate and optimize ad inventory decision-making for Web publishers, released yesterday its third monthly PubMatic AdPrice Index, an industry-wide measure of online ad network pricing for professional web publishers. In June, the index highlights the economic slowdown in the U.S ... read more

PubMatic - Pubmatic - June 18, 2008

What is social design? What are the traits that make designing for the social interaction different from other forms of design? What are the end results that one wants to achieve by using a social design approach and methodology? Joshua Porter, social media analyst and web designer, ... read more

Joshua Porter - Bokardo - June 11, 2008

Are ebooks going to go mainstream with Amazon becoming a de facto distribution monopoly? Or is a marketplace characterized by many different players and options looming still on the horizon? Should book publishers think carefully before jumping on the Kindle bandwagon about who should be in control ... read more

John Blossom - Shore - June 6, 2008

Showing publicly your web traffic data, audience demographics and your content blockbuster is a great way to show your relative authority, credibility and progress to all those that may be potentially interested: advertisers, sponsors, fans, competitors, potential partners. Source data: Woopra - sample traffic stat from Woopra ... read more

Massimiliano Badolati - June 4, 2008

Ingenious individuals, hackers, professional amateurs and passionate self-learners are all contributing to a unique transformation taking place right under your nose. The future forces shaping the world of how we create things are in turmoil. The changes that are taking place now and in the few ... read more

Technology Horizons Program - The Institute for the Future - May 30, 2008

The future of music is in bloggers hands. It is blogs and other independent online publishers with strong voices and personalities who are going to dominate the future of music evolution, discovery, promotion and distribution. "Whether or rather how you will get to keep the music ... read more

Gerd Leonhard - Media Futurist - May 23, 2008

What use is to write long and in-depth web articles if the majority of online readers go only for a few paragraphs? It all depends on what kind of audience you are talking to and whether you are going for large readership or for a small ... read more

Jakob Nielsen - Useit - May 22, 2008

Writing blog posts that get the maximum attention, is not an easy task. Sometimes it gets even to be counterintuitive, as, more often than not, I have realized that posts I wouldn't have bet a dime on, got incredible exposure, visibility, links and traffic against all ... read more

Robin Good - May 8, 2008

How can you provide a useful breaking news component on your blog when most of your competitors and related sites do just the same? How useful is it to do technology, and new media related news if just about everyone else does the same? Technology and media ... read more

Robin Good - April 18, 2008

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