Independent Publishing - Articles Archive
from July 13, 2009 to March 18, 2009

Online music collaboration services allow you to play, rehearse and record music with remotely connected like-minded people from around the world. You connect with other musicians, vocalists, songwriters and even to your own music fans to create the music you like either in real-time or asynchronously. ... read more

Robin Good - July 13, 2009

The brand ambassador is a marketing model that employs trusted, credible personalities to promote and give greater visibility to its brand products. But outside of the traditional, big money advertising world, where famous actors or sport stars are utilized as "ethical" promotional promoters of unique events ... read more

Robin Good - July 8, 2009

When working with a traditional book publisher, you, the book author, give up a large degree of editorial control, and many times you have little to no input into the design and layout of your book, its distribution, and its marketing approach. Self-publishing allows you, the ... read more


The Kindle DX allows publishers to charge premium access for content. But is distributing locked-down, must-pay-for content through a proprietary platform a good strategy for content publishers? Titles are being pushed into Kindle format as quickly as Amazon can handle the conversions and postings. In a year ... read more

John Blossom - Shore - June 19, 2009

If you think your website is under a Google penalization because you suddenly disappeared from Google search results, you can file a reconsideration request to the Google team. In this video, the Google Webmaster Help Center shares some official tips to file your reconsideration request correctly ... read more

Rachel Searles and Brian White - Google Webmaster Central YouTube Channel - June 10, 2009

Social media has changed the paradigm of how people consume online media. But how do you measure social media effectiveness, when social media becomes an instrument for marketing, PR and promotion? Are there advertising metrics for social media marketing and promotion? Before the raise of social media, ... read more


Citizen Journalism has put democracy back in people's hands. An army of individuals with mobile phones, portable cameras, and blogs is rapidly replacing traditional media as a reliable and wide-ranging source of information. In this milestone report, Chris Willis and Shayne Bowman were among the ... read more

Chris Willis and Shayne Bowman - We Media - May 27, 2009

The most recent statistical data by duplicated content analysis engine Attributor indicates that nearly half of the web sites taking content from major publishers are copying more than 90 percent of the original text of articles. For prestigious and long-established news organization like AP, this is ... read more

John Blossom - Shore - May 15, 2009

Tracking and monitoring your incoming links can provide you with great and valuable insight into which sites, social media and other web traffic sources are sending you the best and most qualified visitors for your web site. But how do you go about analyzing those incoming ... read more

Pavel Israelsky - Nana10 - May 6, 2009

Video playlists are a simple but effective way for web publishers to create extra content that has much greater value than a single clip. By aggregating, picking and selecting a compilation of videos on a certain topic or subject, you can offer something unique and special ... read more

Robin Good - May 4, 2009

The online video advertising market seems to show no decline despite the economic crisis. The last report from LiveRail shows that average CPMs keeps growing bravely, and internet video consumption has been experiencing a massive growth of 40% and more. Since this trend has kept growing almost ... read more

IAB Digital Video Committee - IAB - April 27, 2009

One of my greatest traffic sources is Google Image Search, and, if you like me, utilize plenty of high quality, well-selected images for your web site, it is likely that the same thing has already happened to you as well. In case you are not yet ... read more

Robin Good and Peter Linsley - Google Webmaster Central YouTube Channel - April 24, 2009

If you want to cover sensitive issues on your blog, or just keep unwanted readers off your content, here are some specific guidelines on how to blog anonymously while maintaining greater control of your personal privacy. As whistleblowing bloggers keep reporting on stories often ignored by mainstream ... read more

Electronic Frontier Foundation Team - Electronic Frontier Foundation - April 15, 2009

To display, embed or publish a RSS feed on your home page or blog post, there are a number of little known tools, scripts and web services that can solve your need in a matter of minutes. Here's a live example of an RSS feed embedded ... read more

Robin Good - April 13, 2009

Give your readers a way to talk to you straight from your web site with a single click of their mouse. That is the promise that several click to call web service providers are offering to bloggers big and small. By simply signing up for one ... read more

Robin Good - April 8, 2009

Getting your book published under a Creative Commons license may still be one of the hardest task a writer has to go through, as most traditional book publisher still look at open licensing schemes like CC with great skepticism and fear. But according to Xtine Burrough and ... read more

Xtine Burrough and Michael Mandiberg - Digital Foundations - April 3, 2009

These are challenging economic times for newspapers. While print advertising is feeling the majority of the brunt, a news organization’s online component has the potential to increase its ad revenue significantly. Quality content and desirable audiences give news organizations a big advantage over other online publishers; ... read more

Rajeev Goel - PubMatic - April 1, 2009

As the whole online advertising landscape struggles with the economic crisis, AdSense is no exception: online publishers are experiencing a persistent drop of ad revenues. But why is this crisis emptying your pockets? To find out, I've brought together for you the best resources and articles ... read more

Robin Good - March 25, 2009

Do you want to automatically translate all of the pages of your web site into the most popular languages and facilitate foreign visitors get an insight into your content without hiring a pro translator? Here is MasterNewMedia guide to the best tools and services to automatically ... read more

Robin Good - March 23, 2009

How do you monetize free? Can you make money by giving away your very best ideas and content? In this video, publisher Tim O'Reilly makes an argument for open publishing, and explains how can you earn money from giving away your stuff without selling it. If you ... read more

Tim O'Reilly - Open Publishing Lab - March 18, 2009

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