Independent Publishing - Articles Archive
from January 5, 2009 to November 15, 2008

When ad networks alone are not enough to sell all of your ad inventory, ad exchanges step in to help you maximize the money you make. Put simply, ad exchanges work on the same idea as stock markets. They allow buyers to bid on your inventory, ... read more

Andre Deutmeyer - January 5, 2009

Here is Part 2 of my New Media Trends and Predictions for 2009. In this report I look at major trends while I try to anticipate key changes and the type of innovation taking place around the world of new media communication and professional web publishing. While ... read more

Robin Good - January 1, 2009

Here my new media predictions for 2009: what to expect when it comes to new media, professional web publishing and learning, collaboration and social media? Find out everything I see coming across these key areas in this two-part report opening today. I have prepared this report, which ... read more

Robin Good - December 31, 2008

If you are looking for the most effective ways to create new content, provide value to your readers, innovate and improve the quality of your online content, this digest brings you the best content I, Robin, and the other article editors have prepared this year here ... read more

Daniele Bazzano - December 29, 2008

This is my small Christmas gift to you: Ten things I have changed in my life and which have provided me with an opportunity to live a richer, happier and more joyful life, one in which I feel gradually more and more in control of where ... read more

Robin Good - December 24, 2008

John Buckman, the entrepreneur behind Magnatune, shared his personal vision for successfully becoming your own boss at LeWeb '08 conference in Paris. The title of his presentation was "Love Entrepreneurship: Your Own Way" and his focus was specifically on what key points you MUST follow if ... read more

John Buckman - LeWeb '08 - December 19, 2008

One of the main concerns of every online publisher is money. If you start publishing your stuff online and you get some traffic, you'd probably want to make money with your blog as soon as possible. But this is not going to happen very quickly, unless ... read more

Daniele Bazzano - December 18, 2008

Classified ads for jobs offer bloggers a new way to monetize their websites. Job boards like Personforce, JobThread, SimplyHired, and JobCoin offer independent web publishers an interesting new revenue making opportunity - an opportunity with the potential to add anything from a few dollars to a ... read more

Andre Deutmeyer - December 11, 2008

One of the main steps to become a successful online publisher is to build a strong online identity. The more you establish yourself as a reliable source of information, the more the people will seek you for help and visit your site. In this short video tutorial, ... read more

Daniele Bazzano - December 10, 2008

Want to know more about MasterNewMedia? In this monthly web traffic and demographics report, we showcase all of the most relevant data, trends and indicators for the number of visitors, page views and reader profiles collected across many of the major online traffic and trend tracking ... read more

Massimiliano Badolati - December 4, 2008

Apture is a new tool for bloggers and online publishers that can add interactive multimedia links and embeds to their site with a single click. Apture takes the traditional act of linking to a whole new level and provides your site with greater functionality and depth ... read more

Robin Good - December 2, 2008

FeedJournal and Tabbloid are two innovative web services that allow you to turn any RSS feed into a customized PDF newspaper. You can then either print out and read your newspaper, or consult it on your computer or mobile device when you're not connected to the ... read more

Daniele Bazzano - December 1, 2008

If you have been following the story of the MasterNewMedia internship program, you know already that at the end of the summer I have selected two new candidates to jump into this unique learning and working opportunity. In their learning path leading to a professional publishing ... read more

Daniele Bazzano - November 28, 2008

Social media optimization is a marketing approach utilized to increase the visibility of your site by leveraging the power of social media and online communities. Social media optimization is a term originally introduced by Rohit Bhargava back in 2006. Rohit writes: "For years now, Search Engine Optimization ... read more

Rohit Bhargava - Influential Marketing Blog - November 26, 2008

Looking for a solution that allows you to share high definition video with your friends or others? Tired of the restrictions that YouTube places on the quality, size, and length of the videos that you upload? In today’s Sharewood Guide, I will be reviewing eleven high ... read more

Andre Deutmeyer - November 23, 2008

Why, after having worked for many years for several large international organizations did I decide to jump into the online independent publishing frenzy and make it my full-time activity? In this short video, I share with you the basic reasons and motivations that have led me ... read more

Andre Deutmeyer - November 20, 2008

As content can be copied indefinitely and distributed instantaneously across the web, web publishers need to cooperate and partner with their peers to create free content distribution networks - collections of blogs and web sites where they can freely syndicate and republish their original content. Why? In ... read more

Attributor Team - Attributor - November 18, 2008

As passion, integrity and authority are among some of the key selection criteria used, it is with great pride that I can officially announce that MasterNewMedia has become part of the Federated Media Publishing and advertising network. Federated Media, headed by John Battelle is the premiere ... read more

Robin Good - November 17, 2008

In news publishing, newsmastering is the content production process, first evangelized by Robin Good in 2004, that involves collecting, filtering and selecting topic-specific news stories, resources, tools from all of the relevant content sources out there while delivering the resulting highly focused news channels, the so-called ... read more

Robin Good - November 16, 2008

Curious to find out more about my internship program for would-be professional web publishers? Daniele Bazzano, senior intern here at MasterNewMedia, shares with you on video what it is like to be learning by doing what professional web publishing is all about. Is it really that ... read more

Daniele Bazzano - November 15, 2008

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