Independent Publishing - Articles Archive
from February 5, 2008 to December 21, 2007

Microblogging and lifestreaming have been two of the more popular tech industry buzzwords of 2007. But what are they, why would you use them, and how can you go about doing so? In this beginner's guide I take a look at the new breed of online applications, ... read more

Michael Pick - February 5, 2008

Helping others see what you are talking about can be a powerful communication advantage, and understanding how visuals and images work can make all of the difference in the world in achieving it. This and many others interesting insights, at the convergence point of media, technology, ... read more

George Siemens - eLearnSpace - February 2, 2008

Today, the majority of useful search result pages are nothing else but an aggregated and filtered cream of multiple and very diverse types of database content sources. Look at Google results. The effective content databases of today are dynamic, fed by multiple contributing engines and born ... read more

John Blossom - Shore - January 30, 2008

How do great ideas spread and become "influencers" for those who are exposed to them? How can you involve yourself in deciding how to get our children educated? Are online learning tutorials a trend that is going to grow? How are future classrooms going to look ... read more

George Siemens - eLearnSpace - January 26, 2008

Where does fair use end and where does copyright infringement start? The use of video to create documentaries, remixes and video mashups is undergoing lots of scrutiny and evaluation by those in charge of regulating what and what can't be freely published as well as the ... read more

The Center for Social Media - The Center for Social Media - January 25, 2008

In the near future, the value of your free online content is going to be challenged over and over again. And to the few scrapers that now copy and re-syndicate your content as if it was theirs, you will need to add remixers, automated scripts and ... read more

Robin Good - January 22, 2008

Do you really know how Google performs its search "magic" and how it weighs your site inside search results? Are video tutorials the next wave? Is social networking going to be as relevant and impactful also inside the education universe? On these, and other more interesting technology-related ... read more

George Siemens - eLearnSpace - January 19, 2008

Want to market, promote and monetize your best quality content and find out which are the effective guerrilla marketing actions that could help you the most? In this seven-minute excellent video presentation recorded last November at the nextMEDIA: Monetizing Digital Media event, Will Pate, shares with ... read more

Will Pate - Will Pate's Blog - January 17, 2008
Data Portability? Have no idea what is it? It is the next step toward making the social web more usable and intelligent rather than a wasteland of a hundred destinations where I have to run around all day long trying to keep myself abreast. DataPortability - ... read more

Michael Pick - - January 15, 2008
It's been barely a couple weeks since I have started testing the Disqus commenting system here on Master New Media. The new blog commenting system is active on all new blog posts or on old ones where there were no comments. Disqus has a bunch of ... read more

Robin Good - January 15, 2008

In the near future, are you going to interact with computers without using a keyboard and mouse? Do you know you can get into the video publishing frenzy with just a cool $120 camcorder? How about mobile phone projectors, have you yet seen one of these? ... read more

George Siemens - eLearnSpace - January 12, 2008
Where would you like to see Master New Media going next? It is the start of a new year and nonetheless I have started making new editorial plans since this past 2007 summer, it is only now that some of them will start to see the ... read more

Robin Good - January 2, 2008

As 2008 will bring greater focus on professional online publishing for Master New Media, here is the second part of my anticipations and predictions for this new year that has just started. In this second part: Online Collaboration Tools Mobile Mobile Live Video Online Marketing P2P Conversational Tools - Microblogging Widgets OpenID Off-line Web-based Applications X-Events ... read more

Robin Good - January 1, 2008

Online professional independent publishers rejoyce! 2008 promises to be a year of great innovation for everyone publishing online as opportunities to expand or start your own micro publishing company will only increase. New powerful publishing and content distribution tools will make their debut in 2008 while ... read more

Robin Good - December 31, 2007

Last week the Federal Communications Commission voted three-to-two a new measure that would further increase media consolidation in the US. The new rule pushed through thanks to FCC Chairman Kevin Martin eliminates a thirty-year old ban on companies seeking to own both a newspaper and television ... read more


Social software development now depends on effective online marketing and promotion more than any other components in its business development strategy. But what are the critical issues and problems a social media applications builder needs to face and how can they be avoided? Here are some good questions ... read more

Joshua Porter - Bokardo - December 26, 2007

If you are an online independent publisher wanting to get greater web distribution for your video content, while getting the best of what is available online, TubeMogul and Hey!Spread are probably the best two solutions available to you right now. Both allow you to do one-click ... read more

Robin Good - December 25, 2007

Facebook and the use of social media in the enterprise, user-generated content, newly reported UGC production trends, mobile learning platforms and the evolution of personal publishing are among some of the insightful selections that George Siemens has picked for you this week. In this weekly digest, George ... read more

George Siemens - eLearnSpace - December 23, 2007

A lot has been written and speculated about Google Knol during this past week, but besides the big hoopla and excitement for the new Google announcement, few have stopped to reflect upon the consequences, opportunities and issues that may arise from the introduction of this new ... read more

John Blossom - Shore - December 22, 2007

Reflecting upon the true nature of the new set of media we have created around us is probably one of the most important activities anyone involved in media communication should engage with from time to time. I must be thankful for taking me again onto this intellectual ... read more

Robin Good - December 21, 2007

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