Independent Publishing - Articles Archive
from November 10, 2007 to October 10, 2007

You can tell a great designer from her ability to tune in, identify and deeply understand the needs and expectations of her design client. The greater this ability, the greater, in my experience, the likelihood of design success. Great designers, whether famous or not, are great listeners ... read more

Joshua Porter - Bokardo - social web design - November 10, 2007
Nowadays everyone wants to make a web TV. But outside of all the glamorous announcements and the new fancy video players used by these new web TV stations, very little innovation in content production has yet come to the surface. Here are my personal recommendations for ... read more

Robin Good - Master New Media - November 8, 2007

Investment research is a highly competitive research field and having the ability to leverage a large pool of individual market watchers and investors may create more value than any traditional competing information gathering approach. This is what new online service Wikinvest attempts to do. Nonetheless this new ... read more

John Blossom - Shore - November 7, 2007

Online video marketing and promotion is positively one of the most effective routes independent publishers can take up nowadays if they want to significantly increase their Web traffic, visibility and exposure. But what are the key ingredients to make video marketing effective? What are the key variables ... read more

Tubemogul Team - Tubemogul - November 6, 2007

If you want to create, maintain and publish online databases, social lists, galleries or even interactive mash-up atlases as added-value content for your blog or website, you may very well want to take a look at Listphile. This simple, free, easy-to-use web application makes it a ... read more

Michael Pick - November 5, 2007

How to blog is something that a lot of us old hands take for granted, but for the beginner starting a blog can seem like a daunting tangle of questions and issues to be resolved. In this guide, I have gathered all of the essential resources ... read more

Michael Pick and Robin Good - November 4, 2007

While social networking giants such as MySpace and Facebook have been building huge online communities by utilizing proprietary approaches and protocols, a new group of companies led by Google is embracing an open standards approach to social networking that may indeed revolutionize social media as we ... read more

Robin Good - November 2, 2007

If you have not heard about it yet, Lulu is one of the premier online services that allows you to become a book publisher instantly and at zero cost. Upload your formatted Word or PDF file and Lulu takes care of the rest: printing, binding, order ... read more

Michael Pick - October 30, 2007

The only open-source, cross-platform RSS reader, news aggregator and blog publishing tool available today, BlogBridge, has just released a new, more powerful version: BlogBridge 6. As I strongly believe in helping out small companies that build great products get the visibility they deserve and as a ... read more

Michael Pick - October 29, 2007

"Our current political economy is based on a fundamental mistake. It is based on the assumption that natural resources are unlimited, and that it is an endless sink. This false assumption creates artificial scarcity for potentially abundant cultural resources. This combination of quasi-abundance and quasi-scarcity destroys ... read more

Michel Bauwens - P2P Foundation - October 27, 2007

The news is everywhere. Yesterday, October 24th 2007, Google has drastically started to lower PageRank for many popular sites, especially several prominent blogs and reputable marketing sites around the world. Many such sites have seen an overnight decrease of PageRank value of 2 or more points ... read more

Robin Good - October 25, 2007

PageRank down? Traffic taking a dive? If you are wondering whether your web site may have been penalized by Google, because of your adoption and use of text link ads here is my final answer on this: yes, and it is now also official (as many ... read more

Robin Good - October 24, 2007

Communicating effectively a specific message online can be one of the most challenging tasks a web designer can face, especially if who has commissioned the work is part of a large organization in which there are many heads to be "satisfied". The fundamental problem in these situations ... read more

Joshua Porter - Bokardo - October 23, 2007

Markets may be changing from a logic of pure capitalism (making commodities for exchange, so as to increase capital), to logics where the logic of exchange is subsumed to the logic of partnership. There is now a thriving field of social cooperation, which some call the ... read more

Michel Bauwens - October 20, 2007

Design research is the avant-post through which in-depth analysis, questioning and experimentation gives way to new practices and effective new design methodologies. Design practitioner, researcher and innovator Liz Sanders has taken the time to take a snapshot at the state of design research around the world ... read more

Liz Sanders - MakeTools - October 19, 2007

Are online media publishing industries set for another financial burst? Is the unstoppable amount of investments in online media ventures indicating economic trouble ahead? Or are you looking at something very different from what happened back in 2000? In the following business and "content media" analysis, analyst ... read more

John Blossom - Shore - October 18, 2007

As music sells increasingly more through concerts than through CDs, content superstars, like Madonna and the Rolling Stones, show that serious revenues can be built around events, without music publishers, record companies or labels and without the need to push pricey locked CDs to your own ... read more

John Blossom - Shore - October 14, 2007

Open-source misses the point of defending users freedom and assimilating open-source with Free Software only plays against the original Free Software movement ideals and goals. The necessities of commercial business have somehow eroded the original Free Software ideals and the operational advantages have rapidly gained ... read more

Richard Stallman - Free Software Foundation - October 13, 2007

Experience design is an emerging field of study and research that is strongly connected to design, marketing and the ergonomics and usability aspects of a product. But how do you carry out experience design work, who are the best interpreters of this new art, and which ... read more

Elizabeth Sanders - MakeTools - October 12, 2007

E-books, are they coming or not? Eight months ago, contaminated by the insight and enthusiasm of Antonio Tombolini, the Italian e-book pioneer, I had given in-depth coverage to this little talked about technology that is slowly but steadily improving its capabilities. Apparently unnoticed by most, ebooks ... read more

John Blossom - Shore - October 10, 2007

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