Curated by: Luigi Canali De Rossi

Thursday, November 15, 2007

How To Name Your Site: Beginner's Guide To Search Engine Optimization

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Naming your site appropriately, titling your posts in effective ways, using keywords to help search engines understand your content focus are all key ingredients to get people to find your site on the web. That's why if you want to get visitors and good traffic to your web site or blog, you must know what search engine marketing and optimization are all about.

Photo credit: Ophelia Cherry

Today I just couldn't handle it anymore to sit down and write. I jumped on my two-wheeler and headed off to the park to shoot off the first set of a new series of tutorial video clips on search engine marketing and optimization for novice web publishers.

These very short video clips are really meant to help out anyone like you who is not too familiar with what SEO and SEM are all about. While on the web geeks and power publishers have been talking for years about this, and there are literally hundreds of web sites focusing exclusively on this topic, there are still a lot of would-be online publishers, novice bloggers and non-technical people who have recently approached the Internet who would like to learn everything about it.

And since my goal with Master New Media is increasingly to help out less tech-savvy individuals to learn and master the most effective use of these new media technologies, I was more than happy to get off my usual research focus and go back to some of the basics under this beautiful Roman sunshine.


SEO - SEM Search Engine Optimization - Beginner's Guide

Duration: 1': 30"

Text transcription:

"Hi This is Robin Good,

and today I want to talk to you about SEO, some people call it SEM. In any case it stands for Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing.

It is all about having your site coming up, high up inside major search engine result pages, when people type a query, your site comes up as an answer right up in the first page, in the first few results.

Some companies pay lots of money to get there, they go to companies that do just that. They optimize, they do work on their site, on the code on the way the content is written so they can come up high on as many queries as possible for the field of work in which they are in.

So do you need yourself to go out and get a search engine marketer or optimizing consultant to work for you to get your blog showing up more inside Google engine search page results? Or is this something you can do yourself?

Well, If you are a big company, I think it is definitely better that you go out and find some good consultant firm to help you out.

But if you are a small publishing firm, just like me, or an individual blogger, or somebody that wants to make a living or to contribute to his living by publishing good content online, well probably you don't need to go out and find a consultant.

You can do just a set of basic things and make sure that your site is also very well optimized for search engine... these are the key things you should looking into."

How To Title Your Blog Site - SEO - SEM Beginner's Guide

Duration: 1:34

Text transcript

"The first thing you have to worry about is to make sure your blog or website has a clear name.

A clear name that can be read by search engines.

What are you about? Selling red roses? Or providing service on design consulting or providing a video channel that talks about only the latest news in international politics.

Whatever it is, make sure that name stands out, is clearly written on your site. Besides having good graphics make sure you put it also in text on top of your own page.

Make also sure that the name appears in the title bar, that is the blue bar on top of your browser. When you visit your homepage the first thing you should see there is the name of your site which should contain the keywords that define the sector that you are in.

That is what you need to do: make sure the keywords (these must be two-three-four keywords that define the sector you are working in) are clearly spelled out on your site... on the home page with text... (as mentioned) you can have graphics but you have to have text too... some text that says what you do clearly way on up there! up front! on the very top! as well as on your browser title bar (to get in there you have to edit some html code - something your webmaster could do or if you are specialists that should be a no-brainer), but this is the number one thing."

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posted by Robin Good on Thursday, November 15 2007, updated on Tuesday, May 5 2015

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