Curated by: Luigi Canali De Rossi

Saturday, November 24, 2007

How To Name Your Blog Site And Domain URL - SEO - SEM Beginner's Guide

New site owners and bloggers frequently make a common mistake: naming their site with their own name. While this approach may give your ego a good boost, it really doesn't help anyone find your content more easily via search engines nor it helps readers understand your writing focus as they land on your site.


So, what should be the best way to name a new site or blog?

My personal advice, alongside the other small SEO tips I have been sharing through these short video clips, is to name your new blog site by using a set of two to four keywords that clearly spells out your content writing focus. The clearer and the more descriptive, the better.

You can also do a test to verify whether the two to four words you have selected are OK:

  • Go to your own language Google search and type as a search that very set of keywords.
  • Check the search results that the query returns: Does it contain web pages and sites that write in the same content area you have been trying to define?

If yes, you probably have selected a good set of keywords to work with. Better yet, if next to those Google, hopefully very relevant results, you can also see a few Google ads being displayed. That means that not only you have identified a set of keywords that properly describes your true content focus but that there is also an advertiser's market behind it, which you may choose or not to leverage to support your future online publishing costs.

Here is my very basic, SEO for beginner's video advice:




Choose Your Site Name and URL - SEO - SEM Beginner's Guide

Duration: 2':40"

Text transcript

Today I want to share a little more of what I found out by publishing online my own sites and relative to what works best in terms of your selecting your own site name and domain.

Many people write to me asking: "Is it important that in my URL... I use specific keywords about specifics of the topics of interest I cover?"..."I am using my name"... "What do you think about that?"

There are a lot of sites, especially blogs, that use the name of their authors as their own name ...or some fancy fantasy name that has basically no meaning in real life.

To me...that is the worst way you can go at it. It is fine if you are someone famous; but if you are nobody, that doesn't help very much.

It's better to associate your personal name or fantasy creature with something that is deeply rooted already in the language of people so that they can associate and identify your site or your blog with something they are interested in.

So, if you talk about... classical music you don't want to call your site Spitfire 1503... it may be better to call it you know... Beethoven All-stars by SpitFire1503... than giving it that name... that one is not going to help.

So, first of all put a name... put a big title for your site that clearly spells out what your site is about.

What do you do? What do you talk about? What is the topic? What is the focus of what you cover?

And then bring the keywords from that title also into your domain as much as possible.

In the title of your site you don't want to have something extremely long, but as much as possible you want to use two or three or those keywords that characterize the focus you have... Marketing Online in North Korea... Editing images with Photoshop... whatever...

Find two to three keywords that define your topic and put some dash or underscore between them. Google likes them both now. Then get a domain name before it is too late... before your get too many links... before you start to become famous in your own little way.
Get yourself set up correctly as much as possible with both the title of your site and domain.

That is my advice.

Learn more by looking at these other short video SEO tips I have already published:

Robin Good -
Readers' Comments    
2007-11-25 00:32:13

Guardian Angel

Wow! I think I am in the right track! If someone here could just open my blogs and see my username, they will agree with me. Thank you Robin.

posted by Robin Good on Saturday, November 24 2007, updated on Tuesday, May 5 2015

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