Search Tools and Technologies - Articles Archive
from September 28, 2006 to June 29, 2006

Online Video Advertising And Promotion: Share Your Video Online Is The Only Way To Go Online video publishing has indeed taken the Internet by storm this year, making the use of video for marketing, promotion, news and PR online a true key strategic component of any new ... read more

Robin Good - September 28, 2006

Contextual Content Distribution Gets Publishers' Content In The Right Context: Micro-Context Publishing is Here. by John Blossom While many publishers focus on search engines to get their content in the most valuable context possible that's not where issues of context begin and end for online content. A new ... read more

John Blossom - Shore - September 27, 2006

Podcasting needs still to find its own business model. While the podcasting production tools, the distribution venues and the independent authors multiply by the minute, I yet do not see effective new business models emerging from the growing podcasting wave. Doug Smith, who is the President of ... read more

Robin Good and Douglas G. Smith - Podango - September 23, 2006

What are Microformats? Microformats are changing the web, and how your computer goes about finding things you ask for online. By standardizing chunks of data - events, business cards, listings, even recipes, Microformats create a more structured internet. The upshot of this well-tagged, structured web is that when ... read more

Michael Pick - September 20, 2006

by Sharon Housley SEO via RSS: RSS feeds are a great communication medium, and when properly managed, web feeds can bring in significant Internet traffic. RSS feeds should contain compelling themed content with episodic titles that are united in common broad theme. Use RSS feeds as an ... read more

Sharon Housley - FeedForAll - September 19, 2006

Anonymous browsing, without leaving traces of where you have gone and what pages you have looked at, is now possible thanks to a new web browser launching today: Browzar Browzar which is a fully free browser, guarantees browsing privacy as it doesn’t save any cache, history, ... read more

Michael Pick - August 31, 2006

Agggregate and compile the best video clipsvideos from YouTube, Google, Yahoo, Revver, to create your own unique video channels Web-based platform for video publishers to sell their videos and get paid Web service that generates RSS feeds for websites who don't have any Online service that allows you upload, ... read more


AOL, the fourth popular search engine, recently released search queries of 650,000 AOL subscribers on the Internet. Though AOL now says that it was a mistake and quickly removed the search data from their website, mirror copies of AOL search terms continue to be available across ... read more

Amit Agarwal - Digital Inspiration - August 15, 2006

Record, replay and share any Skype call easily and simply Instant messenger that allows you to make calls from PC to PC and dialing out to landlines and mobile phones Online collaboration platform which combines the features of a word processor and a wiki Print documents from a computer ... read more


Breakthrough in digital imaging and virtual 3D computer vision. Researchers of Carnegie Mellon University and at Microsoft Live Labs have managed to uncover new ways to create navigable 3D visual spaces from the intelligent analysis of original 2D digital images. Here a composite image, showing a ... read more

Robin Good - August 2, 2006

Increasing numbers of websites are developing new types of user interface design, taking advantage of users' increasing levels of Internet-sophistication and faster connections. These new interfaces often allow users to view and manipulate large quantities of data. This article will have a look at some of the ... read more

Tim Fidgeon - Webcredible - August 1, 2006

Voice chat interactively, send and receive instant messages, and transfer files over the Internet Send and receive files and folders of any size with your existing email account Video hosting service that allows you to upload any video under 10MB without registration Web-based platform that lets you host your ... read more

Xcavator is a new type of search engine which utilizes visual clues that you provide to identify and extract similar pictures from large groups of digital images. Similar to another existing Flickr visual search tool called Retrievr, which allows you to make a visual sketch and ... read more

Robin Good - July 28, 2006

Google Accessible Search is designed to help the visually challenged find the most relevant, useful and comprehensive information, as quickly as possible. More broadly, Google defines accessible websites and pages as content that the blind and visually challenged can use and consume using standard online web ... read more

Robin Good - July 26, 2006
After many months of testing, frustrating feedback and comments from users, Technorati, the three year old blog search engine, released a few hours ago a new release of their powerful search service. The key new features include: a completely revamped and easier to use interface ... read more

Robin Good - July 25, 2006

Ajax/Flash-based web application that lets you create, share and access presentations online Jabber client program that allows free PC to PC calls using the VoIP system over the Jabber network Web-based word processor that can read and write Microsoft Word and other standard document formats Social text messaging ... read more


Social media network that enables musicians and video artists to sell their music and videos Earn money from your website or blog, by selling books, DVDs, and CDs that you personally select Web-based service that enables you to create your personal online portfolio Upload files and either share ... read more


If you have mastered the blogging paradigm, have made your blog an authority and a reliable source of information, commentary or news in your selected field(/s) of interest, it is about time to "scale yourself up" - Work Less and Look More At The Bigger Picture ... read more

Robin Good - July 13, 2006

Get paid for publishing your best video clips and images to this user-generated content Mobile blogging service provides ability to easily publish to the web your best shots Server-based open-source free online collaboration space to share, comment, interact, revise, collaborate, and collaborate Hosted online service support creative work ... read more


The Google loop: "Online shoppers often start with a Google search. Google search advertising program, AdWords, helps them find your online business through targeted text ads that appear beside Google search results. From today you can add the Google Checkout badge cart to your AdWords ads, ... read more


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