Interface and Navigation Design - Articles Archive
from August 18, 2005 to October 3, 2004

On the RSS enterprise front there is a lot going on that is not readily apparent yet. A number of companies are readying new products and services which should an order of magnitude better than the RSS newsmastering tools we have seen so far. Also the ... read more

Robin Good - August 18, 2005

In the past few years, developers could choose between two approaches when building a web application. The first approach was to create a screen-based system with very rich interactions using a sophisticated, powerful technology such as Java or Flash. The alternative approach was to create a ... read more

Joshua Porter - UIE - July 28, 2005

In the near future, mobile users who will want to access and interact with information, news and entertainment, will have access to all kinds of mobile, portable devices. But looking at information, charts, news feeds on those tiny displays is often a challenge not everyone of ... read more

Robin Good - July 12, 2005

New media picks of the week is my weekly basket of tasty resources, tools and services that I have run into, have discovered accidentally or read about from other articles, feeds and newsletters I subscribe to. All these little gems have crossed my path in the ... read more

Robin Good - July 10, 2005

NameVoyager is a fascinating information visualization tool which allows you to "see" the universe of American first names in ways that can help you see which names are or have been most popular at any point in American recorded history and to discover and consider names ... read more

Robin Good - May 25, 2005

Start is a new, still undefined, unpromoted and unhyped technology service from Microsoft, which has lots of good things going for it. click thee above image to enlarge it I first saw the Microsoft Start technology during the recent Microsoft Search Champs 2 meeting in Redmond, and as ... read more

Robin Good - May 19, 2005

As software applications are increasingly weaved into the Web and within other Internet-aware applications, information and application controls encounter a multitude of opportunities to mesh intelligently into each other. Photo credit: loveu4ever Here are some examples:Alerts RSS news aggregation Route finding (interactive maps) Visual searching Music mixers Media players P2P file sharing Collaboration spaces In ... read more

Craig Marion - March 1, 2005

Have you ever experienced the frustration that comes from working collaboratively on a text document with other authors and revisors? Version control can become pretty confusing and 'show mark-up' editing trackers can easily clutter up your view of the document to the point that it ... read more

Robin Good - [via Stephen Downes] - February 20, 2005

There is no need to link to all sections from each and every page on a site. Photo credit:Renato Cardoso We should limit pervasive navigation to five or six basic features and let people go back to the front page, if they want to start from ... read more

Robin Good - February 1, 2005

As tools to design and create new software and Web applications become easier to use and cheaper to buy, a new army of developers and software engineering is ushering a tidal wave of more complex tools, difficult web interfaces and applications with great ideas behind them ... read more

Robin Good - December 4, 2004

Imagine any flat rigid surface becoming the potential interface to any computer software, home appliance or live communication system you have access to. That is what a French start up company has already started delivering with a new technology appropriately called Sensitive Object, . "The Sensitive Object ... read more

Robin Good - [via] - November 25, 2004

When you're looking for a particular folder or file on your computer, some people will prefer to identify it using graphical icons, whilst others will prefer to use the textual descriptor. For example, with Windows Explorer in Windows XP, you have the option to view the ... read more

Robin Good - Technology Research News - November 23, 2004

When you design a Web site should you design first for being functionally effective or you should design first for achieving aesthetic balance? Ben Hunt, the Web Doctor, has just published an early excerpt from the introduction to his forthcoming book "Web Design from Scratch - the ... read more

Robin Good - WebDesingFromScratch - November 16, 2004

Several months ago I changed from Internet Explorer to Mozilla Firefox as my default browser. I asked around a bit before making my choice and really felt attracted to the open design of the program and the huge, though somewhat geeky community that is so vigorously ... read more

Robin Good - October 29, 2004
"Accessibility is about building web pages that can be navigated and read by everyone, regardless of disability, location, experience or technology." (Tim Berners-Lee Founder of the World Wide Web Director of W3C) Here is a new innovative mini-resource about accessibility its role, its laws and its ... read more

Max Design - [via] - October 29, 2004
IAwiki is a WiKi and in this particular case, it's a collaborative knowledge base for the topic of 'Information Architecture'. IAwiki is much more than that though. It's certainly a knowledge base, but not exclusively for Information Architects. Anyone involved in any aspect of the creation ... read more

Robin Good - October 17, 2004

Here is some truly innovative and beautifully designed "user experience" site for a luxurious and expensive car. The Volvo V50. The entry scene is set by the natural framing on a city street created by the window of a coffee bar. The photography, initial visual opening ... read more

Robin Good Recommends - October 14, 2004
As an existing or budding NewsMaster, creating your own unique RSS newsfeeds from your personally evaluated and selected sources, the ultimate destination of your content is almost certainly going to be your subscribers' newsreaders or aggregators. Your subscribers have plenty to choose from. Some are web-based, ... read more

Robin Good - October 9, 2004
The speed at which various web-based information management tools are converging is breathtaking. On an almost daily basis it seems, new composite tools are launched which combine and integrate the best features of any number of other recently launched products to help you to better manage ... read more

Robin Good - October 5, 2004
It's not that often that you can come across a tool that is a) simple to use, b) cleverly designed and c) does something really useful. Soople is such a tool. It's an interface to the more powerful Search features that lie behind the beautifully minimalist ... read more

Robin Good - October 3, 2004

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