Digital Imaging - Articles Archive
from August 21, 2005 to July 7, 2004

New media picks of the week is my weekly basket of tasty new media resources, online tools and new software tools I think are worth your attention. Try for yourself, download, install and learn some pretty interesting things with these great new resources and tools. Here is ... read more

Robin Good - August 21, 2005

New media picks of the week is my weekly basket of tasty resources, tools and services. These are this week little gems that I have run into, have accidentally discovered or been pointed to or have read about in articles, RSS feeds and newsletters I subscribe ... read more

Robin Good - August 7, 2005

Another new Google release has just made its debut, providing the first public version of the long-anticipated Google geographic search technology, a unique tool bringing together local search with satellite images and maps from all around the world. Google Earth provides a stunning visual, and I ... read more

Robin Good - June 30, 2005

It's a great, beautiful Sunday again and though not an holiday for everyone around the world, it is indeed a day dedicated to the sun and to everything that like our protecting star, shines on our horizon. And with so many shining gems coming on my ... read more

Robin Good - June 19, 2005

The sheer number of new, interesting unique tools and services that keep popping up is increasing at an ever increasing rate. Each day I have many more items that I'd like to cover but only enough time to provide good insight and information on a few ... read more

Robin Good - May 22, 2005

Digital image preparation, editing and publishing remains one of the key growth areas for indipendent publishers and digital communicators of all creeds. Photo credit: Melanie K. Not being able to leverage digital images to their fullest when communicating with new media technologies is like writing on a ... read more

Robin Good - May 13, 2005

If you have been looking for a place where you could store your images online, without going over the allowed storage space on your own web server or hosting provider, and without having to pay a monthly hosting fee, here is good one coming along. Imageshack is ... read more

Robin Good - May 3, 2005

Most camera manufacturers use a proprietary file format to store the 'raw' data from their digital cameras. In the short history of digital photography, manufacturers have dropped support for asset management applications, abandoned settings from older RAW processor versions and changed the methods of storing basic ... read more

Robin Good - [via Slashdot] - April 26, 2005

It is now possible to edit video clips from your mobile phone and make a splashy presentation enriched by synched cuts, special visual effects and titles, all without having to learn complex software or editing techniques. The only thing you need to have are some good ... read more

Robin Good - [via Om Malik on Broadband] - February 12, 2005
This is the best free digital image editor for Windows PCs that is available out there bar none. I don't know how I have been missing this tool, but you can be sure that, if you are a non-technical user, this is the only software you ... read more

Robin Good - February 7, 2005

Iokio Omniscope is a desktop tool that allows direct visualization of database/spreadsheet data while providing powerful filter/search capabilities. Omniscope is a great new tool to publish, visually explore and interactively search through complex datasets online. click here to enlarge Omniscope turns your data into interactive visualizations that can ... read more

Robin Good - December 23, 2004

10x10 is a new visualization tool which showcases the top 100 words in the news and the 100 photos associated to them. The results is a dynamic dashboard that displays in one screen a mosaic of the key news images for that very hour next to ... read more

Robin Good Recommends - November 7, 2004

I am really impressed. I have just downloaded, installed and tested out for a few minutes Google's new acquisition which is getting headlines everywhere. KeyHole, this is the name of this Windows-only software, is a powerful image navigation device leveraging a world-over scenery of satellite imagery ... read more

Robin Good - October 29, 2004
An interesting image publishing and photo album-creation software is the one from B*Gallery. The software, which costs only $ 19.95 to be fully registered, has versions for Windows, Mac and Linux and it stands out from the crowd for its simplicity of use. On top of ... read more

Robin Good - August 18, 2004
FotoSearch is a great digital photo clearinghouse that taps into multiple stock catalogs (50) while providing one unified search access to hundreds of thousands of commercial-grade quality images. Although I am a frequent and extremely satisfied user of Stock Exchange, a vibrant, informal and fast growing ... read more

Robin Good Recommends - August 5, 2004
An excellent tool for workshop presenters, trainers, facilitators and even for marketing and sales staff, is this little easy-to-use utility which allows you to enlarge and tile-print any image file to a poster-size format. This is extremely handy when you have a low-budget and need to ... read more

Robin Good Recommends - July 26, 2004
Draw-me is an express caricature design service that takes a photograph from you and converts by hand into a promotional illustrated character. Turnaround time for a caricature is only a few hours and if you like Draw-me style the price is definitely fair: USD $ 37 ... read more

Robin Good Recommends - July 10, 2004
Thanks to a news post inside the Lockergnome Web Developers weekly email-based news-dispatch I noticed a short news item referring to the death of the web-safe color palette. As the news item failed to report that the source of that story was a four-years old article ... read more

WebMonkey - [via Lockergnome] - July 9, 2004
Today, at 12 noon NY time, one new edition of Kolabora Live! Buyer's Review will showcase and discuss over the most interesting new technologies available today for delivering live PowerPoint presentations on the Internet. Several new tools will be reviewed and scored for effectiveness over multiple ... read more

Robin Good - Kolabora Live! - July 8, 2004
Here is another free solution to convert your PowerPoint presentations into Flash. Though this is not an automatic conversion tool and it requires you to be very familiar with Macromedia Actionscript coding, it is indeed an alternative road to expensive solutions like the excellent Macromedia Breeze. ... read more

Robin Good Recommends - July 7, 2004

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