Digital Imaging - Articles Archive
from August 24, 2007 to January 15, 2007

Mashups are filled with technical challenges and that is why many technologists are attracted by them. The challenge of having to find new solutions to "old" technical issues while "inventing" new ways to mix and combine existing resources and tools is undoubtedly a very positive motivator ... read more

Duane Merrill - IBM - August 24, 2007

If you are looking for a tool that allows you to create impressive web presentations in a fraction of the time it would be take the best slideshow editor, you have found the first online service that does really so. Check out here below the stunning ... read more

Robin Good - August 20, 2007

Mashups are an exciting genre of interactive Web applications that draw upon content retrieved from external data sources to create entirely new and innovative services. They are a hallmark of the second generation of Web applications informally known as Web 2.0. The combination of data ... read more

Duane Merrill - IBM - August 9, 2007

Moving a traditional business to the Web may appear a very difficult and risky operation, especially when the remaining part of the market uses little innovation and provides no examples to follow. Nonethelòess the above and against all odds, MOO, a Web company that specializes in ... read more


One of the easiest ways to communicate an application-based feature or issue is to take a screen capture or screencast of it. A new free tool allows you to do both from one incredibly simple interface. Jing Project is the latest offering from Techsmith, the company behind ... read more

Michael Pick - July 24, 2007

Online social networking services have been around for some time now, with MySpace, Bebo and Facebook leading the pack. One of these contenders, however, has just stepped the whole game up a level, effectively becoming a disruptive technology. Not so very long ago Facebook was one popular ... read more

Michael Pick - June 26, 2007

If you want to remix and mashup your own media with licensed content from top branded sources, and monetize the resulting rich-media presentations, you need look no further. Personal media remixing and publishing tools are hot stuff at the moment, with tools like the recently reviewed ... read more

Michael Pick - June 12, 2007

Digital content is easier than ever to not only store and share online, but also edit and mashup into new and great looking remixes. Now it is possible to do all of this and more from a single browser-based application. The latest breed of web applications have ... read more

Michael Pick - June 4, 2007

Online collaboration tools tend to focus on the sharing of presentations and corporate communications, leaving those working in the creative industry settling for second-best. But a new tool targeting designers, photographers, marketing creatives and even film-makers is about to change all of that. Making it easy to ... read more

Michael Pick - April 17, 2007

When it comes to sharing or monetizing Internet video, there are plenty of options, but until now enhancing and monetizing the photos on your website hasn't really been possible. However, a new free service allows you to do just that - adding monetization and a list ... read more

Michael Pick - April 16, 2007

Online video annotation has just taken a giant leap forward, giving you the opportunity to add subtitles, text, animated shapes and pointers, freehand text and drawings, images, webcam video and even RSS feeds directly into your web-hosted videos. Until now a range of online video annotation services ... read more

Michael Pick - April 5, 2007

Here is a fresh roundup of the most interesting photo editing tools available online. These are all web-based services which allow anyone to upload, edit and retouch digital images and photograph with maximum simplicity and great ease of use. No more need to use Photoshop unless ... read more


A new web-based service allowing powerful creation and easy online distribution of multimedia presentations and visual photo-albums is about to announce its official re-launch with a completely new feature-set, interface and components integration. The all-new Scrapblog is in fact a Formula 1 racer when it comes ... read more

Robin Good and Michael Pick - March 26, 2007

It used to be that you had to have a little toolkit of free image editing programs to take care of all the typical needs any visual communicator normally has. Mine still includes great free image editing programs like Photofiltre, Irfanview and DCE, a fantastic trio, ... read more

Livia Iacolare and Robin Good - February 18, 2007

Every week it seems to become a little bit easier to get involved in multimedia content delivery and syndication - whether through sharing videos using Youtube, photos through Flickr, or your thoughts using popular blogging platforms. The ability to upload, embed and easily share media content ... read more

Michael Pick - January 30, 2007

Looking to get some of your just captured best digital shots and send them over to a colleague across the ocean? In need to create an online professionally-designed photo album where to present your latest photo-shoot? Want to create an effective photo slide-show without having ... read more

Livia Iacolare and Robin Good - January 28, 2007

Today, if you want to communicate effectively, whichever is your medium of choice, you must understand and leverage the power of visual communication. The more you understand the logic and principles that direct effective communication the more you can leverage the fascinating new digital image ... read more

Robin Good - January 24, 2007

It is now easier than ever to sell your pictures online, regardless of whether you are a professional photographer, or an everyday person armed with your camera-phone. In fact, the latter is increasingly desirable in the fast-paced, wait-for-no-man world of news content. Citizen journalists have already ... read more

Michael Pick - January 23, 2007

Mass media have long had a choke-hold on the construction of everyday reality, but independent film making is striking back, using the same tools as the propaganda machine to challenge the status quo. When the news is piped into our living rooms, we are served up ... read more

Michael Pick - January 19, 2007
If you want to create an electronic portfolio of creative works or a visual conundrum of images on a specific topic, to be easily integrated within an existing web page or in need to be distributed virally across as many sites as possible, Leafletter may just ... read more

Robin Good and Michael Pick - January 15, 2007

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