Video - Internet Television - Articles Archive
from April 23, 2007 to January 19, 2007

Online video is a huge growth sector, and is transforming the web from a static landscape of words and still-images into a whole new world of Internet TV. But while now is a great time to make your mark in this new and exciting field, it's ... read more

Michael Pick - April 23, 2007

Want to see your online video mash-ups up there on the silver screen? The Basement Tapes is a collaborative documentary all about the changing face of copyright in the digital era, created by its online audience via video-sharing and remixing, an evolving online script powered by ... read more

Michael Pick - April 13, 2007

If you work with video on or offline sooner or later you are going to want to convert it from one format to another, or to make sure that you encode the raw footage from your camcorder in the best possible way. Poorly encoded or converted ... read more

Michael Pick - April 11, 2007

Online video annotation has just taken a giant leap forward, giving you the opportunity to add subtitles, text, animated shapes and pointers, freehand text and drawings, images, webcam video and even RSS feeds directly into your web-hosted videos. Until now a range of online video annotation services ... read more

Michael Pick - April 5, 2007

A brand new service gives you an easy-to-use way to synchronize your online videos with PowerPoint slideshows, sharing the results online. This simple tool makes it a piece of cake to run your Google Video content side-by-side with PowerPoint presentations uploaded to Slideshare. Your audience gets ... read more

Michael Pick - April 2, 2007

A few days ago a passionate reader of Master New Media sent me this email asking information on how he could build his own video site online and my advice on how to monetize it. I thought that sharing this email exchange could have been ... read more

Robin Good - March 28, 2007

The video blog has evolved significantly in the last year, propelling a new wave of web celebrities into the limelight - with such names as Amanda Congdon, Ze Frank and Loren Feldman carving out their own niches in the world of web 2.0 video. But a ... read more

Michael Pick - March 27, 2007

A new social media network with RSS aggregation capabilities has arrived on the scene, promising to provide a one-stop solution for the promotion of all of your online media. Whether you are a blogger, NewsMaster, podcaster or online video-maker a crucial part of your work is ... read more

Michael Pick - March 20, 2007

The Real News: A New Independent Television Channel Is Set To Change The Way You Look At Reality And To Focus On Facts With No Propaganda And No Advertising Money - Independent World Television "Democracy depends on an informed and engaged public and on a courageous press ... read more

Robin Good - March 2, 2007

Publishing and viewing online video is an incredibly simple prospect these days, and the hardest part of it is choosing which of the many video sharing services to use. However, if you are hoping to use free software - free as in freedom, in the GNU, ... read more

Michael Pick - March 1, 2007

Until some years ago, videomakers would have never foreseen the possibility to edit videos online in a semi-professional way and without having to buy expensive video editing software. However, today’s Web is populated by sites that allow users to edit videos online within their browsers, without ... read more

Livia Iacolare - February 25, 2007

Subtitling and dubbing Internet video is a great way of expanding the reach of your own video, and of bringing whole new audiences to pre-existing content originally created in another language. In this second part of my guide to subtitling and dubbing on the cheap, I ... read more

Michael Pick - February 21, 2007

Are you a videomaker, an independent video producer or a web publisher interested in monetizing your video based content? While here at Master New Media I have recently showcased some of the most interesting ways to monetize online video content, I have to admit that the ... read more

Michael Pick - February 13, 2007

By subtitling or dubbing your Internet video output you expand its reach. This is a great way of adding value to your video, whether from an accessibility perspective, from the desire to reach an audience outside of your own first language, or even to add 'liner ... read more

Michael Pick - February 6, 2007

Finding broadcast-quality news and product-oriented video footage has been until now an asset available only to the major television networks. Major television networks around the world are indeed hooked to major video distribution feeds that provide them with an ongoing stream of video material, clips and ... read more

Robin Good and Michael Pick - February 5, 2007
TV-Detox is a unique curated selection of the best and most interesting counter-information movies banned from commercial television networks. I have decided to put together this special feature as a mini-guide dedicated to collect, over-time, all of the great and rare to find movie titles that are ... read more

Robin Good - February 3, 2007

The audience has left the seats and it won't be told to sit back down again - armed with the tools of easy online video publishing, new media audiences are giving new fuel ad interest to fast growing area of consumer generated video. The explosion of ... read more

Robin Good - January 31, 2007

Every week it seems to become a little bit easier to get involved in multimedia content delivery and syndication - whether through sharing videos using Youtube, photos through Flickr, or your thoughts using popular blogging platforms. The ability to upload, embed and easily share media content ... read more

Michael Pick - January 30, 2007

Has your telecom company called to offer you its latest Internet high-speed line offering bundled with their latest home-IPTV bonanza? Watch out, surprises coming.... In this article I report about the very negative experience of installing the newest Internet high-speed offering cum IPTV solution in my ... read more

Robin Good - January 29, 2007

Mass media have long had a choke-hold on the construction of everyday reality, but independent film making is striking back, using the same tools as the propaganda machine to challenge the status quo. When the news is piped into our living rooms, we are served up ... read more

Michael Pick - January 19, 2007

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