Curated by: Luigi Canali De Rossi

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Online Advertising Strategy - What I Would Want

My ideal online advertising strategy: the publisher should be able to choose its advertisers as much as advertisers should be able to choose their publishers. Just like

Robin Good's ideal online advertising strategy

Maybe I am just full of crap, and unable to see the beauty of banner advertising bought on CPM, but if I had to express my own sincere thoughts on how I would like advertising to work on my online publications, I would not hesitate a second in saying that the best synergy between advertiser and publisher takes place when both like and attract each other for some reason.

If the web is analogous to the new economy of attention, why attempt to keep distracting readers by throwing at them commercial messages that add nothing to the focus they have on your page at the moment?




Advertising Solution. What do I want?


Full English Text Transcription

Here is Robin Good for MasterNewMedia.

If it comes to online advertising, my dream has already become quite clear, it's not even anymore a dream, it's not a painting, it's not even a photograph, it has become a clear picture in my head and it is a situation in which I won't be sold by a middle man, an agency, who will go out and sell my site along some others of the same kind while giving me some money for displaying some ads on which I have had very little to say about.

My advertising dream includes for me the ability to select each and every single advertiser, that is going to display its messages on my site. To possibly coordinate and help out with the advertiser the best way to communicate to my readers what they want, and to help them communicate so. Maybe directly myself. As well as making sure that I also fully endorse and like the product or service that I am promoting.

Would I just allow any product just because they pay me lots of money to be displayed on my site?

My idea of advertising doesn't include that option: you can pay me whatever amount of money you want but I will include you only if I really think that your product or service is really great and if I think that I would possibly I have gone and told my friends anyhow about your product and service, even if you didn't pay me.

That's the type of level of trust and endorsement that I think the publisher, in my dream universe, would have.

So I wouldn't sell ever space on my site that could be sold along others, or could be sold as to adapt to numbers that an agency is making...

" need so many eyeballs while I've got this and that site, or what have you got? Printers, photocopiers... OK we'll shoot them out."

Why do I need that? I mean what kind of extra value I'm going to give to my readers? Is this new media or old media? Am I going to interrupt their experience by telling them something that they did not come searching for in the first place, or it's just an additional distraction.

I think we have enough of those distractions right now so, if I'm going to distract or interrupt you in some little way, it is going or should be only about providing you valuable, relevant information in context, on what you have come for here, and what you're interested in.

That's why I embraced so happily Adsense and with all the limitations and negative trends that are happening with it, I still think it's an advertising solution that has no counterparts yet, (outside of the other systems that now do the same), and it is the advertising way of new media.

The only way I would take AdSense further ahead of where it is, would be to add to it the ability to actually allow me to specifically select the advertisers I would want to display on my site, and not just to be forced to filter out some of the bad ones.

As much as advertisers themselves can select to target their campaigns to my site specifically, I would like to have the option of selecting myself which advertisers - possibly without needing to know how much money they bring me - are the ones that I would want to have on my site.

Because, while the advertiser, the company promoting, can be good at finding me as a good outlet for its marketing campaign, I may be also a great match-finder for products and companies to find their ideal market through my readers which they know very little about.

So I think that this could be win-win situation...

...I may be wrong, but that's how I see it.

What do YOU think?

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posted by Robin Good on Thursday, March 27 2008, updated on Tuesday, May 5 2015

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