Curated by: Luigi Canali De Rossi

Thursday, July 17, 2003

Communication Agents - Last Call

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Dear Communication Agents supporters, fans, applicants,
thank you for the patience and good trust you have placed in me.

Last Call

As promised, here I am, ready to fire up this new project for which I have invested my best energies, dreams and idea(l)s.

I guess I have been learning and working for a life time to finally conceive and give life to a project like this. But God, am I happy to be here!

I have finally good news for you.

If you have been impatiently waiting for me to finally give power to your ideas the moment of truth has finally come.

I have a vision. And it is a crystal clear one.

I see individuals taking personal responsibility and courage to go where no group or political party has ventured before: designing and bringing about real, deep, lasting change in this world.

It will be such great pleasure and enjoyment for me to be your personal partner and coach that I have no regrets for what I have had to go through professionally to get to this glorious point.

Yes, indeed glorious, because it is here through the Communication Agents project that I meet again my best friends, and not my suppliers; because it is here that I find talented people who share my ethos and with whom I can discuss and analyze important personal and professional issues. Glorious because it is exhilarating the feeling of helping others when you see the results of your efforts in front of you.

Signs, writings on the wall, experience, the pace of change and the evolution of technology tools supporting social networking( linktank_whitepaper/) are signalling to me that we are on the verge of a profound tranfformation of which we can be the pilots.

Communication technologies and above them, intelligent communication methods and strategies can help us achieve what has never been possible to man before.

Like-minded people getting together and working passionately at changing human society through powerful communication initiatives, campaigns, calls to actions or digital-media based information tactics. A new emergent democracy is indeed forming.

I am writing to you to inform you that I will be shortly (a few hours from now) launching the Communication Agents Initiative.

As you expect this project will provide uniquely skilled communicators to be supported by a powerful but easy to use publishing toolkit as well as by the synergy available through the string interactions inside our little network.

The value of doing this is really in the opportunity it gives you to be someone who can have maximum reach and visibility online while leveraging such advantage to affect social change in selected human areas.

If you look with attention at what I am really offering you can see by yourself that you can hardly find someone else offering anything similar. What I offer is unique and unavailable elsewhere. But please, you do not need to listen to my words to find out whether I am telling you the truth or not. You simply need to ask what the first three Communication Agents have to say about this project and the value I provide to them. Read about it in the Communication Agents Initiative Web site (to be announced in the coming hours) or go and ask them directly.

The first three Communication Agents at work since June 2003 are:

1) Josef Hassleberger (Sepp)
Health Supreme
2) Chris Gupta
Share The Wealth
3) Ivan Ingrilli
Grillo Parlante
Over the arc of the first month only, these three sites, which DID NOT exist before, have received a total of over 10,000 unique visitors!

News from these sites have been picked up by major other online news outlets and from other popular independent reporters like Jeff Rense and David Icke!

But let me tell you: It could not have been done before. The tools and ideas were not there yet.

What do I want from you?

a) I want your support and help in making this possible.

b) I want you to promote, review, and spread to others the information that this Initiative exists.

c) I want you to consider seriously being one of these Communication Agents yourself.

d) Finally, I want you to get out and get as many individual donors and sponsors to come and flood this project with money to finance the growth and tremendous demand I have received for this Initiative. This project has Total Transparency, so if your acquaintances want to know where the money goes, they can see this online any time they want to. (I am doing my best so that anyone can contribute at the level and in the amount that feels most comfortable.)

You can be 100% sure, that if you will help me carry out the above, I will have no resistance or justification for not taking you on board in this.

So before I uncover all the cards, think seriously if you really want to be part of this, and if so, how ready you are to invest your daily time and resources to become what I offer you to be.

It is not a matter of cost, or price; it is only a matter of how much you really want to change this world.

The rest, is well taken care of.

Let's see how long it takes to write me back or to post a comment right here saying:

"YES, I am ready to do it, because:........"


(copied from an email sent to 26 individuals at midnight 25 of July 17th 2003).

Readers' Comments    
2003-09-20 13:44:54


Hi Robin..

I like what you are doing.. Josef sent me an e-mail with a link to the site. I love Josephs work. I think what you are doing is a great idea. And you have my support. I would love a place to put my ideas out to a greater audience. To leverage of each others promotional activities is great.

I operate a couple of sites..
Electro Health and New Thinking
Spiritual teachings, Energy Work. QiGong, Reiki etc.
Wierd Science, ideas etc. (Combo of the Above 2 sites)

I would love your help and guidance to getting the word out there, to start some co-alition strategies for dealing with the issues we face. I am especially interested in the formation of networks for people to work together to achieve getting our message out.

I am a keen supporter of electro health and believe (like many) that it will be the future for health. I would love a support group formed to share strategies, especially from the legal sense on taking on Goliath. Finding the week spots of these control structures then hitting them hard and fast.

I would like to start up a page on your site, just for my personal reporting and networking with others... Please contact me on what I need to do to get setup.


Adrian Asfar

2003-07-17 10:33:21

Necati Topyildiz


I am ready to do it because this could be that thing that I have been ready to "get to" doing for so long.

I am an (aspiring) social entrepreneur from Istanbul, Turkey. I am 20 years of age, a Philosophy undergraduate.

The news on the radio, in the morning just today said that my country ranked in the lowest league of Information (-driven) societies. This is some news that HAS TO wake some people up.

I am interested in bringing the technologies to social enterprises and movements by college studens' hands.

More on this, I shall write, but I am just too eager to be the first person who responds to your call.

posted by Robin Good on Thursday, July 17 2003, updated on Tuesday, May 5 2015

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