Curated by: Luigi Canali De Rossi

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Online Learning, Teaching And Education: The Best 2010 Articles And Reports From MasterNewMedia

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The large adoption of communication and collaboration technologies, alongside the intelligent use and adoption of these tools by a new emergent class of educators, have opened up new horizons for the world of education and learning, by empowering students to be again explorers and active collaborative seekers of their know-how, and by extending the teacher role into one of a guide, coach and supporter rather than the one of the ultimate holder of truth.

Photo credit: Victor Habbick

This is why, in our view, the future of education is all about studying, understanding and embracing these new trends while opening up to the new realities of work and entrepreneurship that are emerging inside and around it.

For a growing number of people, learning has in fact already become a lifelong opportunity to master new skills and capabilities, to continuously upgrade one's own expertise and now, a new direction in which to design and develop high-value business services.

In this MasterNewMedia guide on online learning, teaching and education, you will find the top five interesting essays and articles (according to popularity) that we have published here, in the last 12 months. Specifically:

  • How to publish an online course as a book
  • How to approach learning without falling into the certification-loop
  • How to learn teamwork, critical thinking and communication skills
  • How to prepare yourself for digital citizenship: new media literacies
  • How blogs and wikis are changing the academic publishing process

If you are eager to understand some of the key trends and changes happening in the world of education, and how the goals, expectations and approaches to learning are transforming themselves, you may well find some interesting materials into this curated digest.


Online Learning, Teaching and Education: The Best 2010 Articles and Reports From MasterNewMedia

Self Publishing Your Online Course As A Book: A Complete Guide


Self-publishing your online course as a book may be a great way to distribute a valuable piece of content you have to a broader audience. But as you might imagine, writing, printing, publishing and distributing your online course as a book involves a lot of steps and decisions to make. To help you out, Heather Hedden has written a great guide to take you through all the steps you need to turn your online course into a successful published book.

by Heather Hedden - May 19th, 2010


Learning Without Schools: Four Points To Free Yourself From The Educational Get-Certified Mantra


Excerpted from my guest night at Teemu Arina's Dicole OZ in Helsinski, here are some of my strong, uncensored thoughts about school and academic education in general. In this four-point recipe I state what I think are the some of the key new attitudes we need to consider taking if we want to truly help some of your younger generations move to a higher level of intellectual and pragmatical acumen, beyond the one that most get from our present academic system.

by - March 18th, 2010


Project-Based Learning: How Students Learn Teamwork, Critical Thinking And Communication Skills


In project-based learning students are given the opportunity to go through an educational approach which allows them to transcend the limiting nature of the one-to-one teacher-student relationships in favor of mastering how to collaborate and arrive at results efficiently while working with others. In this fascinating report, Bob Pearlman illustrates effectively the key traits and characteristics that make project-based learning so different from any traditional school learning curriculum.

by Bob Pearlman - April 7th, 2010


New Media Literacies Skills For The 21st Century Digital Citizen


Focused atten­tion, par­tic­i­pa­tion, col­lab­o­ra­tion and crit­i­cal con­sump­tion (which includes "crap detec­tion") are the core 21st century new media literacy skills needed to become a fully enabled and active citizen of this ongoing digital communication revolution. Here is Howard Rheingold in a live video take recently recorded by JD Lasica, illustrating why 21st century new media literacies are so important for us and what are the critical skills you need to master to become a fully literate 21st century citizen.

by JD Lasica - Jan 22nd, 2010


Online Collaborative Writing: How Blogs And Wikis Are Changing The Academic Publishing Process


Is online collaborative writing the recipe to change the academic publishing process? Are blogs and wikis going to subvert the way academics publish and distribute their work?
In this fascinating article, Janelle Ward tries to make greater sense of the strengths and weaknesses of the current academic publishing model while suggesting a new approach to academic publishing that leverages the power of the web.

by Janelle Ward - January 29th, 2010

Originally prepared by , Daniele Bazzano and Elia Lombardi for MasterNewMedia, and first published on January 25th, 2011 as "Online Learning, Teaching And Education: The Best 2010 Articles And Reports From MasterNewMedia".

Photo credits:
Self Publishing Your Online Course As A Book: A Complete Guide - Clipart
Learning Without Schools: Four Points To Free Yourself From The Educational Get-Certified Mantra - Clipart
Project-Based Learning: How Students Learn Teamwork, Critical Thinking And Communication Skills - Robin Good
New Media Literacies Skills For The 21st Century Digital Citizen - JD Lasica
Online Collaborative Writing: How Blogs And Wikis Are Changing The Academic Publishing Process - Tecnologia Pyme

Robin Good -
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posted by on Tuesday, January 25 2011, updated on Tuesday, May 5 2015

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