Curated by: Luigi Canali De Rossi

Saturday, April 21, 2007

The US Income Tax Fraud And Other Stuff Media Will Not Tell You About: Video

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The American Constitution, the fundamental cornerstone of American society, was never meant to co-exist with the income tax system. In fact, according to film-maker Aaron Russo, to whom we have given coverage before, the "income tax" is in full breach of the US Constitution.


How can this be? How else would Americans pay for their education, the maintenance of their highways and the vast military expenditure of Mr. Bush?

In Russo's investigation, it transpires that these things and more are paid entirely from other taxes quite beyond those taken from the salaries of the US workforce.

Russo, a former music promoter, talent scout, rock star manager and producer of big Hollywood movies, has recently turned his sights to a more political agenda.

His film America: Freedom To Fascism received standing ovations during its theatrical release, in no small part due to his central argument: that income tax is an act of fraud that few know about and which needs to be made visible to the American people.

But the shocking truths don't stop there. As Russo investigated the income tax situation across America, he uncovered other frightening realities about America and the way it is being run.

His film is a sharp wake up call to Americans - and citizens of the world - to question whether they still live in a democratic world, and if so, for how long more.

A short history of corporate control of the government

In 1913 America changed for the worse. In this first clip from Russo's film, America: Freedom To Fascism, we learn how a powerful cartel of private bankers effectively seized control of the US government. It hasn't let go since.

The government, in league with this cartel, lied to the American people about the ratification of a sixteenth amendment to the US constitution - the Income Tax amendment. As a consequence of this fraud, the American people were led to believe that there was now a tax on their labour.

Further to this initial fraud, senators were then bribed to pass the Federal Reserve Act without the required constitutional amendment. From this point on, the Federal Reserve, a private banking entity, and not a government body, had the power to print money and effectively control the nation.

Ever since, the government has had to borrow money from this secret, private banking cartel, and pay interest back on the debt, using tax payers money. Previous to 1913 the government had the power to issue and print money itself, but afterwards it was at the mercy of these shadowy corporations.

Ex-IRS agents who no longer file tax returns

The next clip features Ex-IRS agents that lost their jobs or were forced into resignation when they questioned the legality of the unconstitutional federal income tax. In their independent investigations none of them have been able to find a law that says that US citizens have to pay income tax.

The IRS is fiercely defensive of its right to levy an income tax, but throughout the film (which can be viewed in full at Google video) avoid answering the simple question of their legal right to do so. It is enough, they seem to persistently claim, that the courts will more often than not come down on their side, regardless of the actual letter of the law.

As such, the agents interviewed all claim to have stopped filing tax returns, and thus paying tax on their income, for a number of years. They have yet to be sent to prison for refusing to do so.

The great income tax scam

Surely we need to pay income taxes to ensure that we have access to welfare, schools, national defense and well maintained highways?

According to Russo's findings, this couldn't be further from the truth. Author G. Edward Griffin raises the point that:

''The main purpose of the federal income tax is not to raise revenue, but to redistribute wealth, and to control society.''

Our assumptions about where income taxes go are systematically dispelled, one by one. Education, we are told, is paid for by state and local taxes, not federal income tax. Highways are built and maintained by the money earned from gasoline taxes. The money spent on defense is exactly equal to the constitutional, legal tax on corporate income.

So where does the tax payers money go?

The Federal Reserve as organized crime

Nobody knows who owns the Federal Reserve. It is a closely guarded secret, and not considered information that the public should have access to. What we do know is that the Federal Reserve is a cartel of private bankers, which the government borrows money from, and then pays back - with interest - using the taxes gathered from the federal income tax. As such, one place you can be sure your federal tax dollar is going is into the coffers of the Federal Reserve.

If a government works for a private bank, and a private bank works for the interests of its investors, can we still claim that America is a democratic republic? Regardless of whether you vote republican or democrat, in the final instance, both are answerable to the same corporate interests, rather than the people that cast their votes. A small corporate elite pulls the strings and calls the shots.

A nation in debt

If the income tax is more about control than revenue the greatest weapon that banks have against the people is that of the well oiled credit industry. America is a nation in debt, a nation where borrowing beyond your means is positively encouraged at every turn, regardless of the potential consequences.

The great bulk of most people's income is spent on taxes, interest and inflation. All of the money from these collective sources of revenue goes to just two groups - the federal government, and the banking cartels. The Federal Reserve system effectively plays into the hands of a few, at the expense of the many.

A damning conclusion is made by former Assistant Secretary of Housing, Catherine Austin Fitts. She states that:

''A decision was made. Let's get all the debt up. Let's move the jobs abroad. And instead of re-engineering your skills, we're going to dumb down America. And so the middle class will disappear.''

In place of that self-sufficient, independent middle class we are now seeing an increasing divide between that small elite that lend, and a majority that borrow, trapped in a cycle of what is effectively serfdom by their escalating debts.

The film

America: Freedom To Fascism has been made available by the film-maker to view in full at Google Video. Besides lifting the lid on the great income tax fraud being perpetrated by the US government, the film also explores a number of other ways the civil liberties of American's are being eroded in the interests of the financial elite.

Among the subjects discussed is the alarming 2008 plan to introduce a national identity card that must be carried by all Americans and will be required to open a bank account or take part in any federal activities.

The American people are being systematically lied to and few would argue that they are alone.

Democracy and the republic are being eroded as ideals, and a small elite is doing its best to revert the political landscape to one of corporate feudalism. As the Internet empowers communication, critique and comparison it is becoming easier than ever to make our voices known, and our concerns global.

Let's keep things this way.

Additional resources

If you have found these highlights interesting, you may want to take a look at the following links:

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posted by Michael Pick on Saturday, April 21 2007, updated on Tuesday, May 5 2015

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