Curated by: Luigi Canali De Rossi

Saturday, October 28, 2006

9-11 Official Timeline: The Story We Never Heard Shown In New Documentary - 9-11 Press for Truth

9-11 And The Presidential Daily Briefing Of August 6th 2001 - 9-11 Official Timeline: The Story We Never Heard Shown In New Documentary - 9-11 Press for Truth.

The news investigation on 9-11 conducted by independent media keeps churning out more and more interesting research material. The number of web sites, reports, articles and independently produced movies on the 9-11 terrorist attacks topic has no similar precedents in terms of the quantity and quality of the material produced.

This time I wish to bring to your attention a short 16-minute excerpt I edited from a new, very recent film release on the 9-11 tragedy. This 9-11 documentary is called "9-11 Press for Truth" and it is a high-quality full-length (1:24 mins) movie focusing on actually connecting and exposing the many "dots" that even the mainstream media press did indeed put out.

Here is a short trailer for this new documentary:

And as you can discover further by looking at the second video clip I have prepared, mainstream media never connected the dots while spitting out crucially valuable pieces of information in the most hideous places or in such scattered and uncoordinated approach as to make it very, very difficult for anyone to make sense of all those pieces of information in an organic way.

But Paul Thompson, an independent investigative reporter, did take on himself to go more systematically after the huge number of tv news stories, and newspaper articles that could shed light on the 9-11 tragedy if looked at from an organized timeline showing at once and with prime evidence, the little pieces of information that had been scattered here and there until this very day.

I invite you to take a good look at this 16-minutes I have excerpted from the middle part of this documentary and to look for yourself at the data and reports presented. Whatever conclusions you come to after seeing this, it is important that you are allowed to see for yourself how different it is to look at a story once all pieces of information are brought together and aligned in a chronological order.

What's most interesting in this short excerpt I have prepared, is the transparency with which you can finally see how many warnings the US received before the attacks were perpetrated, as well as, and this is where it gets really hot, is the defense statements and justifications that the Bush administration brought as an answer to those asking for clarification on the August 6th 2001 PDB Presidential Daily Briefing).

To you the freedom to view, ponder, and decide what really happened then.



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posted by Robin Good on Saturday, October 28 2006, updated on Tuesday, May 5 2015

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