Curated by: Luigi Canali De Rossi

Monday, May 1, 2006

Go Find The Truth And It Will Make You Sick

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A low-potency, low-dose, synthetic version of Vitamin D costs over $200 US in Germany, right now.

Just wait till you see what Codex does over in the US!

Photo credit: Alwaysyoung

"Codex Alimentarius will be seen by future generations as the greatest threat to the basic human right of health. Never before in history has a special interest group, the pharmaceutical industry, so shamelessly tried to compromise the health of millions of people in order to maintain their billion dollar markets from prescription drugs."
Dr. Matthias Rath, Physician, Author, Humanitarian.

Once you get sick and tired of wading through the proof of what Codex is, how it is being infiltrated into 171 nations and the EU all at once, how many products are being lost from the shelves ( most of which, curiously, bear a strange resemblance to the restricted lists to come with Codex implementation ), and how many lives and livelihoods are threatened by Codex Alimentarius, you will never again want to be wishy-washy about your own research.

You must realize that this is no small issue.

Medical care is not the 4th leading cause of death in the USA... it is the LEADING cause of death, at nearly 800,000 Americans per year.

The producers of the toxic pharmaceuticals that are killing people daily are the same people influencing the "food code": Codex Alimentarius.

The Chair of Codex, Dr. Rolf Grossklaus, is in fact the CEO of the German risk-assessment corporation which designed, for Codex, the ridiculous dosage and potency limits on what our bodies consider FOOD.

Beyond that, Codex has the temerity to ban organic farming, traditional medicines, and all energetic healing... including acupuncture!

Most of all, can you honestly say that this is the sort of health care you want for the rest of your lives, for your children's lives, for your granchildren? If you don't care, forget I wrote anything, and leave this so-called "rumor" lie like a sleeping dog.

If you do, DO something about the mistakes you've made. The information is readily available (I gave you the best source on the net,

There ARE bills in front of the Senate and the House that ultimately affect health freedom via our sovereignty, if not directly. Not only that, they're doing it simultaneously in Canada, Mexico, and the USA through NAFTA and the agreements made while we weren't looking!

They're slick, these pharmacrats...

Go find the truth, and it will make you sick.

Dee Nicholson,
Campaign Coordinator,
Stop Codex Alliance


Codex Alimentarius Guidelines on Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements

The Codex Alimentarius Commission was created in 1963 by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) to develop food standards, guidelines and related texts such as codes of practice under the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme.

The main stated purposes of this Programme are

a) protecting health of the consumers and

b) ensuring fair trade practices in the food trade, and

c) promoting coordination of all food standards work undertaken by international governmental and non-governmental organizations.

The Codex Alimentarius Guidelines on Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements apply only in jurisdictions where vitamin and mineral food supplements are regulated as foods (rather than as medicines).

They have been under development for over approximately 10 years, under the auspices of the Germany-based Codex Committee on Nutrition on Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU) which finalised the text in the final step (8) of the Codex procedure in Bonn, Germany, 1-5 November 2004.

The Guidelines, amid considerable opposition from consumer groups and natural health campaigners, were finally accepted at the 28th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission in Rome on 4 July 2005.

One of the most significant aspects of the Guidelines is the setting of maximum daily potencies for vitamin and mineral food supplements after considering upper safe levels (based on 'scientific risk assessment', see ANH Information Sheet, Ref 02/05) and dietary intakes from other food sources.

These Guidelines are likely to set, amongst other things, an internationally recognized borderline between dosages of vitamins and minerals used as foods and those used as medicines.

So-called "scientific risk assessment" approaches have been widely agreed by various government agencies principally in the US and Europe, and are also supported by major trade associations in the natural products area (e.g. the Council for Responsible Nutrition [CRN] and the National Nutritional Foods Association [NNFA] in the USA, and the European Federation of Health Product Manufacturers [EHPM] in Europe).

The "scientific risk assessment" approach proposed for Codex guidelines on vitamins and minerals parallels that set out in Article 5 of the Food Supplements Directive, which has formed the template for international Codex guidelines.

Unless existing, flawed methods of risk assessment for nutrients, which are derived from those used on toxins such as pharmaceuticals and pesticides, are substituted for scientifically rational risk/benefit analysis, unnecessarily low dosage ceilings will be applied which could restrict very large numbers of people from accessing dosages beneficial to health.

More info.

Take Action

Upon my kind request, Sepp Hasslberger, has written a short additional recommendation note for all those of you wanting to take some action on this:

Codex Alimentarius is all about controlling things *for* us, about taking our responsibility away and letting the *authorities* decide. Food has everything to do with our health. Since Codex Alimentarius proposes to restrict access to vital nutrients, not only are we in danger of losing the needed nutrients, but also our health.

Dr. Rath is quite explicit. He advocates that each one of us take responsibility for their health - for ourselves and others - and work towards a new global healthcare system:

Appeal For Free Access to Vitamins

What You Can Do

Dr. Mercola, who is not a great friend of supplements, nevertheless says we should not lose our access to supplements. Again, he believes we must take responsibility for health into our own hands. His site is full of good health information, and here is his

Codex action page

The US Coalition for Health Freedom is providing specific information on how Codex and Codex-inspired new legislation in the US are actually - step by step - limiting our ability to take our own decisions in matters of health. Their recommendations are here:

What you can do TODAY...

The damage done by Codex is two-fold: Firstly, our foods are getting less and less nutritious but Codex says we just need to eat well. Secondly, health is said to be a matter of pharmaceutical intervention, rather than nutrition and a healthy style of life. Codex supports this by prohibiting any information that foods have an influence on whether we get sick or not.

How to fight back as an individual:

Anything that will expand your view of the natural options for good health and support your own decision-making in health matters is useful. Here are a few places to start getting to know what is happening and plenty of opportunity to become active in the field ...

Alliance for Natural Health

La Leva di Archimede

National Health Federation

Health Supreme

Share the Wealth

Dee Nicholson -
Reference: Stop Codex Alliance [ Read more ]
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posted by Robin Good on Monday, May 1 2006, updated on Tuesday, May 5 2015

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